
Santa margarita water district
Santa margarita water district

santa margarita water district

No Department of the Army Permit will be issued until the applicant obtains the required certification or a waiver of certification. The applicant has recently submitted an application to the California Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) to obtain water quality certification for the project. Water Quality Certification : State water quality certification or a waiver is a prerequisite for the issuance of a Department of the Army Permit to conduct any activity which may result in a fill or pollutant discharge into waters of the United States, pursuant to Section 401 of the Clean Water Act of 1972, as amended (33 U.S.C. This is a preliminary mitigation strategy, and the applicant is working with resource agencies to incorporate an enhancement component into the mitigation plan. Proposed Mitigation : The applicant has proposed to preserve up to 156 acres of high quality habitat containing ephemeral, intermittent and perennial streams, riparian woodland, coast live oak woodland, blue oak woodland, and chaparral, on lands adjacent to the quarry. Project Impacts : The proposed project would permanently remove 1,395 linear feet (0.08 acres) of ephemeral stream. The overall project purpose is to maintain a local, reliable and economic source of high-quality construction aggregates to serve market demands in San Luis Obispo County and the Central Coast region Overall Project Purpose: The overall project purpose serves as the basis for the Section 404(b)(1) alternatives analysis, and is determined by further defining the basic project purpose in a manner that more specifically describes the applicant's goals for the project, while allowing a reasonable range of alternatives to be analyzed. The basic project purpose is to expand the Santa Margarita Quarry. The area would ultimately be mined using blasting methods.īasic Project Purpose: The basic project purpose comprises the fundamental, essential, or irreducible purpose of the project, and is used by USACE to determine whether the project is water dependent. The tributary would be removed via the following process: vegetation removal, topsoil salvaging and over burden stripping, blasting, shot rock extraction and transport, and material processing. Project Description : As shown in the attached drawings, the applicant proposes to remove 1,395 linear feet of the ephemeral tributary for the expansion of the existing hard-rock aggregate mining operation (Figures 3-5). It is 1,395 feet long with an average width of 2.5 feet and constitutes 0.08 acres The jurisdictional feature proposed to be removed is an ephemeral tributary to the Salinas River. The Salinas River and its associated wetlands are located to the north and east of the project area, flowing in a northerly direction, and are the only other jurisdictional waters in the vicinity of the project area. The project area and surrounding open space areas consists of chamise chaparral, northern mixed chaparral and coast live oak woodland. Project Site Description : The project area is bordered to the east by an existing quarry pit, to the west by a currently open space that is planned for future quarry expansion, and to the north and south by open space.

santa margarita water district

Project Site Location : The project is located at 16815 El Camino Real, approximately three miles northeast of the community of Santa Margarita, San Luis Obispo County, California (APN 070-131-003 and 070-141-054, Township 29S, Range 13E, Section 9, on the Santa Margarita, CA, USGS 7.5-minute topographic quadrangle, Latitude: 35.422436 °N, Longitude: -120.575444 °W) (Figures 1 & 2). This Department of the Army permit application is being processed pursuant to the provisions of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act of 1972, as amended (33 U.S.C. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), San Francisco District, for a Department of the Army Permit to remove a jurisdictional water of the United States associated with the expansion of the Santa Margarita Quarry, located approximately three miles northeast of the community of Santa Margarita, San Luis Obispo County, California. INTRODUCTION: Terry Marshall of Hanson Aggregates (POC: Mark Kalnins of WRA, Inc., 41), 7675 North Ingram Avenue, Suite 104, Fresno, California 93711, has applied to the U.S.

Santa margarita water district